Healing Process

The skin thickens. 

The heart strengthens.

The crack in the soul stringed back together by love.

The salted tears are drying.

Broken bones nailed and rodded into alignment.

The dark clouds fade away, a bright hued light peaks through. 

Eyes are no longer sunken in. 

The back not hunched over in disappointment. 

Feet feel light as air hitting the pavement they'd once been dragged on so heavily. 

People whom hurt you have the toxic tie to you cut off.

Peace exuding through the pores, a glow brighter than the Sun on its hottest day

Clouds spread like the wings of a butterfly, unveiling the beauty of Divine's children. 

A green stem of a seedling of a majestic flower emerging from its underground slumber , petals vibrant with bright hues and saturated in freedom.

The journey is often far from easy, but the arrival is always worth it .


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