Natural Hair Spotlight Series: Ynobe Shop

Hi, my lovelies!! Pssssstttt...guess what?? If you said "Spotlight Series" time, you'd be correct :) but this week's episode will be the second installment of the Natural Hair edition of SS. In case you missed the first episode, you can check that out right over here.

Now please help out in welcoming this episode's special guest: Ebony Johnson!!

Ebony in the owner/proprietor of Ynobe Shop ("Ynobe" is simply Ebony spelled backwards) based in Columbus, Ohio. Ebony had first begun formulating natural hair products for both herself and members of her family after her decisions to return to natural. Over time, she had thought about it heavily and decided to take a leap of faith and share her products with other naturals in the world.

I had first discovered Ynobe through Instagram about three months after my big chop through another follower of mine who had been a faithful user of her products. I personally have not had the chance to try out any of Ebony's products
 as of yet, but I plan to soon and will share my experiences with whatever the product I choose. One thing that I really like about her business is that it's not just natural hair marketed--there's also bath and body products, as well as apparel that can be purchased!
*UPDATE: I have finally gotten to try the Silky Shea Cream and I'm a fan!!

Now that you've got a general idea, I'll sit back and let Miss Ebony talk about the path that Ynobe is currently on and where it can go in the future:

Please tell us what prompted you to start Ynobe Shop?
I have always been one to try homemade remedies and make my own natural products at home, even when I was still relaxed. When I went natural, I got curious and I wanted to stick with natural products, plant-based ingredients and avoid any harsh ingredients. Without being educated about the good or bad, I already determined I wanted the good. I started making different recipes: shea butter creams, flaxseed gel, curl pudding, etc. I made things for my family and friends and was always asked why I didn't make products to sell. I always brushed it off, but eventually I started to ask myself the same question.

What Was Your Initial Career Goal? Has that changed from what you are currently doing?
My goal was to share what I make with others. Of course, I aspired to be successful and to build my brand to be the next Carol’s Daughter, Shea Moisture, etc. But I’ve always known that it takes time to become that successful. Not only time; but determination, dedication and accountability as well.

What inspired your product? Or how did you get your start?
I was inspired by family and friends who encouraged me and practically begged me to make and sell my products.

Describe a typical day.
A typical day for me at Ynobe Shop begins with gathering orders and determining what I have to make and how much needs to be made. I usually print out invoices and shipping labels before I get started in my ‘lab”. From there I put together our awesome products, bottle and jar them up and ship them out with love. This is typical if I don’t have to orders supplies. I try to make sure I am stocked up before I begin processing orders.

If you could describe Ynobe Shop in one word what would it be?

What suggestions do you have for aspiring business owners?
I suggest that you do plenty of research on the cost of starting a small business. Also, make sure you know what you are putting out to your customers before you get started. I have learned a lot in the time that I have been running Ynobe Shop. Consumers in this industry know what they want and they know what is good for their hair. If you can be knowledgable it will benefit you and your business.

What keeps you grounded?
Making my customers happy! When I get feedback from them and it is always positive, it really makes it all worth it. And I mean that!

Where do you see Ynobe Shop in the future?
I am always brainstorming to develop new products and improve what we currently have, so the sky is the limit. I see Ynobe Shop developing into a local storefront business while still maintaining my online presence. I am currently working to create more business locally, because this is where I am. Why not build by business here?! Of course I would love to have my products in Target or Walmart and I am definitely making that my ultimate goal.

Tell me a little bit about your natural hair journey.
I have been natural for 3 years. I always wanted to stop using chemicals in my hair and could always see the potential in my hair. I seldom wore “wash n go’s” in my relaxed days and could always see my curl pattern. One day I decided to just do it. I woke up that morning and went to Fiesta and told the lady to chop it off. I only wanted it cut to my new growth. At the time it was about 2 inches long. It's be an amazing journey ever since.

What product are you the most proud of?
I would have to say our Silky Shea Cream because it is our very first product and it remains one of our bestselling products to this day. Our Amla & Nettle Moisturizing Deep Conditioner is my baby as well. It is also a bestselling products and my go to DC. I absolutely LOVE it and every time I use and make it I am amazed.

What makes Ynobe Shop different from other natural hair care lines?
I would have to say that our products are truly ALL NATURAL. Ingredients can be read and pronounced and are pretty cut and dry. We are different because we are Ynobe Shop and there isn’t another like it. Also, from our customers point of view, customer service is impeccable.

Where can we find you on social media?
It’s really simple!  Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest are all under the Ynobe Shop handle. Just search and you shall find.

Before I go, I wanted to give Ebony a big thank you for allowing me to feature 
Ynobe Shop on my  blog :) I'm excited to see where the company will go in the future! Also, a big shoutout to Patricia from Global Couture for taking a chance on me and allowing to guest blog for her site :)

Whomever shall be featured next?? Want it to be you?? If you'd like to be the next featured guest on the Spotlight Series or know someone that may, feel free to:
tweet me (@ambition4life_), 
follow me on Instagram (@rubiesandpearls_)  
or shoot me an email at
Stay tuned for the next episode! Over and Out!


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