Girl Behind the Glasses: The Rebirth

Stand right here. No, no, a little more to the left . Perfect. 

Now fasten your seatbelts and hold on tight. 'Cause I'm gonna take you on a little journey in my shoes.

Are you scared, excited, nervous, maybe a tad bit afraid?

Well, you have every right to be. Because I am too.To be honest: I'd never thought I'd be here telling the story of the girl behind the glasses. I didn't think any of you had really cared that much to know the story. But with unexpected requests aplenty, I knew I couldn't hide out anymore . So, here it ALL goes........

Let's start off with her thoughts: think of them as a soup of sorts----spices, vegetables, meats, you name it. But one ingredient always remains the same: judgement. Good, bad and the in-between. For years, it was mainly hurtful. What she wore, who she talked to, things she did or didn't experience. Dreams she kept locked up, afraid of giving them life , only for them to die a slow and agonizing death. But now, she thinks of change, she thinks of hope, she thinks on those dead dreams she could maybe bring back to life.

Now, we shall journey to her heart: it's missing quite a few pieces, but still it continues to beat on. It's shape a little more bent, eight large pieces depicting her failed romance encounters , thread at the seams to hold it together on more than a few occasions. Yet allows her opportunity to live, to thrive, to dance her own special dance helping those who meet her stay alive. Even had a little extra dance left over to shake her groove thang down the Soul Train line called LIFE.

Finally, we've reached the most crucial piece of her: her soul. What was once a deepening black hole of emotional venom, sucking all energy from objects and people she touched, was now this beam of light , effervescent and glowing so serendipitously . What was a sickening virus spreading like wildfire, inflicting AND infecting her entire body.....was now the biggest breath of fresh air, rejuvenating the nature of being care free and open to the mysticalities life can package up so beautifully that you're almost too scared to unwrap it, yet once the wrapping paper and ribbon is torn away, the gift inside is much more valuable than any amount of money can buy. 

The audience begins to slowly but uproariously clap and applaud me as my monologue was completed. A sweet older lady had pearlized tears of joy in her eyes. A newborn baby cooed with glee. A group of young women motioned a butterfly collectively with their hands. A handsome caramel toned man blowing  kisses and mouths "I love you, beautiful 💕" repeatedly as he looks onwards to me. 

For the first time in ages, I felt empowered. My efforts had finally begun paying off. The seeds I had sown were finally grown and the harvest ready to be fully reaped. The wings that had been clipped by pain and disappointment and fear felt sturdy enough to flap and take total flight from the ground. The girl behind the glasses could not only see the world in front of her, but the person she is now and the former shell of herself she can finally leave behind.


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