Butterfly, butterfly , I must let you fly free and trust that soon one day , you'll come back to me
As much as I wish to keep you so close, out in the winds is where you belong currently the most
Though your wings may feel weak from all life's burdens you've held, divine strength awaits you if openness is unveiled.
I know, it's scary to trust again after so many let downs, but I promise you: things will be much different this time around.
You'll see the power you sought never strayed far into the blue, but that power has always lied inside of you.
The brick wall will steadily crumble and chip, eventually it will soon fall, once you realize that your path was not meant to be led alone at all.
You may get stuck on rose thorns or stabbed repeatedly by stingers of bees, most days you may only get through by mind's repeat of "God, help me. PLEASE".
But , sweet butterfly, this cold as ice shell you currently portray will ultimately drip and dribble until fully melted away.
One day, though afraid, you'll spread your wings and fly toward tall trees and flowers whose colors boisterously sings.
I believe in you , sister butterfly, that we'll one day rebuild our trust . That the house of love and beauty will not be demolished into rubble and dust.
I just simply am praying that time will truly help and heal the wounds caused by mine shortcomings as I make my final appeal 🙏
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