The Way You Make Me Feel (Re-Vamped).

Thinking back to the very first time when I saw you pop up on the television screen,
movement and creation was taking over your body.
Your eyes piercing like stars in the night sky,
your voice smooth & buttery like freshly flipped pancakes and syrup on early Saturday morning,
the bass lines & melodies you created enamored my heart & soul as if we were married to each other in a past lifetime.

You left a piece of you in every harmonic composition that has and has not yet surfaced, 
and each one still does not come close to making up the persona that was you in its entirety.
I had dreamed of being face to face & getting to ask how such a tortured soul  arose from the Eastern U.S. and 
is now a household name in every continent, how someone could be the epitome of innovation & humanity, but still maintained having simple desires like being able to be carefree, if only for a little while.
I can only imagine you asking me, in return, about how my 'normalcy' had transformed and molded me & why I had, essentially, wanted to switch lives with you or we show the ropes to one another. 

Though this dream of mine cannot physically manifest with you,
I see you through someone closer to me. 
Your heart matches his oh so perfectly.
His eyes burn a hole to my mushy core just like yours did,
Him being forced to grow up too fast and not have a childhood,
dreaming of having a family life with that special one by his side every step of the way.

I also can see you bursting inside of me.
The agony to enjoy the simple things in life,
to not be questioned about your habits or mannerisms,
to escape the pressure to be 'perfect',
to look in the mirror and for once, not be ashamed of the person staring back at you.

See you and me? We're like a dream team 
When I want to just throw in the towel, a few notes & chords of yours can always put my tired soul at ease.
Your beauty transcended beyond your looks ; it embodied
the burdens of the both of us, even though you never personally knew it.
Because of that, I'm more than a fan of your talents; I am an advocate for your empire, the missing piece to your ever growing puzzle.
You are my love, my other half, my sweetheart from decades past. 

And I will keep smiling each day, though my every fiber still aches for you,
because I know that the pain of the world is no longer on your shoulders.
The daggers tainted with hate, envy and disgust can no longer pierce your heart
because it reaches the soldiers that committed to fight for your good name until the very end,
myself included.

So, dearest Michael, though I cannot hold you in my arms,
I will cradle your illuminating spirit in my heart for all of eternity. 
I shall continue spreading your message of changing the Man in the Mirror.
Now, sleep, my love. You've fought long enough.
It's time for the troops to rise up and show the haters who's really BAD.


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