#TheSW30: Day 10-13.

*sorry for posting super late! The life of a nursing major is definitely rough at times. By the way, a lot (if not all) are super short, because I get really long winded and stuff.

10)   Google the meaning of your name and talk about how it fits or doesn’t fit you  (I chose to look up my first name for this post)
* My first name , Jazmine, is derived from Persia and is defined as "the climbing plant with fragrant flowers which is used for making perfumes"

I think my name fits me but it doesn't. I do think of myself as a flower, just waiting for her time to bloom and capture 
people's attention with no great difficulty. However, I'm often a late blooming flower, not often getting paid attention to
and ignored by so many. I'm one impatient , struggling flower, I tell ya!

11) Your worst/funniest/most embarrassing date

  • This one is going to be really short. I actually do not have one of these because I've been on only one date in my entire lifetime :( oh well. Guess I'm not dateable.
12) Your proudest accomplishment
  • My proudest accomplishment would have to be graduating with dual degrees at 18. I had received my associate's degree in May 2010, and my high school diploma that June. Four years of stress, anger, tears, questions and work had finally come to be. To have those degrees in my hands gave me a feeling that was beyond unreal and get to fulfill a goal that, unfortunately, many people of my demographic don't get to fulfill, whether it was their choice or not.
13) Describe how you met the last person you texted and talk about your friendship/relationship
  • The last person I texted was actually my father. My relationship with my dad is pretty awkward and has been for basically my entire life. Though I know my dad loves me and I love him, I cannot ever really remember a time when we were close. My dad has made a lot of mistakes and , to some degree, I still have a bit of resentment towards him. I remember as a little girl growing up how badly I wanted both of my parents to be at my baton recitals or my band concerts. As you guessed, in most cases, I would see only my mom. I know that it's nothing new, but it still hurt all the same. All I wanted was for him to physically be there supporting me.


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