#theSW30: Day 3 & 4
*Note: Day 3 was done, I just forgot to post it lol =P
Describe a moment or a day when being single was really awesome.
Describe a moment or a day when being single was really awesome.
- Like the popular song by Trey Songz, I'm gonna just dive in with this question. I remember when I was going to the dining hall and had this nagging craving for a root beer float. So, I decided to make the biggest float my little heart desired and boy, was it wonderful!! Many people will probably read and think "What's the big deal? It's just a root beer float!" Well, to me, it's way more than that. It was a chance to treat myself to something that I loved that didn't cost me money nor did I have much shame after my monster size belch after drinking it (it happened whenever I drink any pop cause I'm not a big pop drinker). I felt like eating whatever i wanted this particular day, and I'm so glad that I could do that without having to answer to anyone :)
Now for day 4 : Your biggest fear as a single person.
- Actually, I have two. The first one is if the right one will actually come along, which is common among most singles. What will they look like? How does their voice sound? Are they gonna be older, younger, the same age as me? Have I met them already and didn't realize it? SO many questions circle one's perfect guy or perfect girl, many attributed to physical looks. For me, I want my dream man to not only treat me like I should be, but also to be physically attractive. Call me shallow if you want, but I'm not gonna lie. I mean, I know Mr Right might not be Michael Jackson's twin in the looks department (though I would not complain if he was, cause the man was so beautiful), but I do want a guy that I'm highly attracted to. That's just how I am.
- The second fear is what if I met him already and didn't notice it until it was too late? No one likes it when they miss out on something that may have been potentially the greatest blessing for them. I wonder if the guy friend that had a six year crush on me was my soulmate, but I didn't give him a chance cause he was not "cute enough" for me? That's one scary thought!!
Welp, hope my story makes you laugh a little bit, but more importantly, shows you that I'm just like you!
Happy reading :)
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